How we can Peacefully Abolish the I.R.S. in Only 40 Minutes!

What if I told you in absolute sincerity and seriousness that there was a way to get rid of the I.R.S. easily and quietly overnight without anyone getting hurt in the process?

Sound too good to be true? It’s not! But we can’t get there if you want to sit on the sidelines hoping someone else is going to do all the work for you. That means you will have to at least get briefly involved; but I promise it only requires a very small bit of time and action on your part. Do you want to avoid ever having to deal with the dreadful, stress-inducing task of tax season again? Then please keep reading…

I can attribute many of my “I.R.S. activism imaginings” to a time a few years ago when I saw a film titled “America: From Freedom to Fascism,” by Aaron Russo. If you’re not familiar with Aaron, I’m willing to bet that you’ve probably seen some of his work as a producer, most notably the iconic comedy; “Trading Places.”

Although Aaron had a successful career in Hollywood; as he got older, he became much more political. And that road eventually led to the creation of this fantastic documentary exposing one of the most feared and mysterious institutions in all of human history; the dreaded I.R.S…

Let me first tell you that the only reason this institution still exists is because the general public doesn’t understand the true history of how it came to be, and how it really works. But the best part is, you don’t need to learn how to decipher legalese or memorize volumes of tax code to fight them. Not only is their language (they call it “code” for a reason) overly complex and confusing, it could easily be argued that it’s completely useless information. Besides, don’t give into their game and play by their rules, or we may never beat them. In order for us to truly have victory over the I.R.S., we’re going to have to make them play by our rules. And the good news is, I can make this extremely simple for you to learn!

You see, all you really need to understand about the I.R.S. is what the grand parasite’s specific weak points are! Focus and concentrate on those specific issues, and the institution will collapse like a house of cards! As long as we stick together, and don’t give in to their intimidation, all the legal gibberish in the universe can’t stop us if we don’t comply!

Sound like an easy plan? It really is, but in order for this idea to work, you must share a responsibility in “getting the word out!”


The biggest obstacle with sharing this type of information is that it never seems to reach a large enough audience. That of course, is not by coincidence. In fact there is quite a lot of information the establishment does not want you to know about. Call me crazy, but I’m here to inform you that there really is a lot of “forbidden” knowledge out there, and if you want proof, I have some right here. Have you seen this film on television before? Exactly, they can’t show videos like this on network television for the simple fact that it exposes information they don’t want you informed about. Think about it, if you became unbelievably wealthy and powerful through massive financial fraud, would you want the general public knowing how the racket works? Or would you rather they be completely distracted?

So I’m going to make this as simple as possible: I believe the first 40 minutes of this documentary to be more than enough information to prove the major points of the I.R.S. argument. However, I strongly recommend watching this film from the beginning to at least through the first 13 minutes. I hope you keep watching, because the following 17 minutes do contain a lot of very interesting information. However, not every single scene is absolutely essential to view, so feel free to jump around a little (if you must) in that section.

Seeing the I.R.S. a bit differently now?

Of course that brings us to the absolute must-watch grand finale: The showdown between Aaron Russo versus former I.R.S. commissioner Sheldon Cohen…

Let’s take a look at the most important part of the I.R.S. debate at 29:40-38:22.

Usually, I like to break down videos and offer analysis on specific clips. In this instance however, Aaron Russo does almost all of that work for me (and quite superbly I might add).

But since I can’t help myself, I’m still going to highlight a couple of parts anyway:

33:05-33:18 Aaron throws a very simple curve ball, but leaves the commissioner completely speechless. In fact it looks like Cohen actually went comatose for a good 7 or 8 seconds! Hey Sheldon, what were you thinking about buddy? Were you worried that the “jig was up” and that your interview was going to come back to haunt you someday?

37:19 “You caught me unprepared?” If you were a tax expert and former I.R.S. commissioner, how could you be “unprepared” for relatively simple interview questions?

Hey Sheldon, would you say you’re “prepared” for those same questions now? I’m curious how you would fare if it were possible to redo this interview again? But I have a feeling you would probably tell me one of the following:

37:27 Silly arguments?


38:10-38:20 Are you serious? The interview ends with the former I.R.S. commissioner making a threat? Do you know what that means besides the fact that he just showed you what a complete farce the I.R.S. really is? As far as I’m concerned, he may as well have just stated that the American people are way too ignorant to ever figure out how the sophisticated I.R.S. “racketeering scheme” really works, much less be able to stop it from happening. So ask yourself this; does Sheldon have a really good point? Or do you think that the American people will wake up in time to stop this madness, and finally put an end to this parasitic institution for the greater good of the future?

Here’s where things get interesting, because it could be argued that the outcome of our future depends on you. Which future do you want to see? Are you satisfied to live the rest of your life as a compliant and lowly pawn in Sheldon’s world? Or are you ready to be a part of the solution?

So now that you have seen the truth, what are you going to do about it?

Still not convinced? Want to see an inspiring real-life example of how non-compliance works with the I.R.S.? Not only that, but an undeniably amazing example of why being involved in jury duty is so important? Then you absolutely must watch what follows right after the Sheldon Cohen interview…

Dear I.R.S.,

You can decide to audit me if you want or worse, but it doesn’t have to be like that. I mean honestly, how long are you really planning on terrorizing the American people for anyway? Five more years? A hundred? And by the way, how do you think you’ll eventually go down? Slowly in court? Will it resemble the ending of Fight Club? Or perhaps even the ending of V for Vendetta? I know it probably sounds exciting to think that we could honestly see scenes like that happen in “real life,” but I have another idea instead: how about we meet in the middle, get “outside the box,” and require everyone to watch the movie; “Stranger than Fiction” instead?

Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but it does give the people an easy understanding of our different worlds doesn’t it? But most importantly, it shows that we have no reason to be enemies! I mean, why would we want to create a tragedy when we can have a good laugh and a cry instead? Isn’t it time to bury the past and move forward as species anyway? I mean, would you really rather live in the world of indefinite austerity you are helping to create?

Ask yourself honestly; what future do you really want to experience?

Peace and Love…

10 thoughts on “How we can Peacefully Abolish the I.R.S. in Only 40 Minutes!

  1. thad says:

    who owns the federal reserve? in all the browsing through the web sites ive came up with the irs is the collection agency for rothschilds king of the jews the one that bought israel in 1948 so the jews had a place to live . and the zionisium is his policy

    • I really don’t ever want to get involved in the whole Zionist conspiracy debate. I’m not saying that there’s not plenty of evidence to support those ideas, I just don’t think it’s necessary to get worked up over the issue because it could lead to a dangerous and confusing witch hunt. I say let’s focus our attention on just exposing the corruption and the conspirators first. But if it does turn out that all roads really do lead to the Rothschilds, I’ll happily acknowledge and thank all the Zionist researchers for their efforts in warning us all these years….

      • Kim says:

        A dangerous and confusing witch hunt? Really? Kind of like how ALL Muslims are now regarded as possible (or make that probable) enemies of America, even though a lot of them are Anglo-American and had ancestors sail here on the Mayflower? Kind of like how nameless, faceless “terrorists” are being held at Gitmo without representation, without being informed of their charges, without a trial, and WITH unspeakable acts of torture? Like the millions of innocents in many Middle Eastern countries who have died or been wounded in these illegal wars of aggression? Like the mothers in Iraq and Palestine who are giving birth to deformed and diseased babies as a result of the white phosphorus gas and the chemicals found in the munitions that the armies are using? But this doesn’t sound like a witch hunt, huh? And you don’t want to get involved in the Zionist “discussion?” Hmmm….how very convenient for you.

      • I understand and respect your passionate stance on this issue. However, I think the better solution would be to help expose the hypocrisy, atrocities, and injustice rather than having a revenge “witch hunt.” And on that note, I’ll leave two quotes from Gandhi:

        “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
        “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

  2. Big M says:

    Here are just a few revealing facts about the IRS:

    It is registered in Puerto Rico.

    It is NOT part of the Dept. of Treasury of the United States, but it IS part of the Treasury Dept. of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

    It has NO legal jurisdiction in any of the 50 states.

    It has NO legal authority to audit anybody but itself, or to issue a “Notice of Lien” or “Notice of Levy” against any citizen of the 50 states, or to seize any of their property. By the way, a “Notice” is not the same thing as an actual lien or levy, which are assessed by a competent court, and recorded on specific, completely different legal documents. The IRS never includes these with their “Notice,” because they can’t (see beginning of this comment).

    I could go on and on, but here is the meat and potatoes:

    If you are a citizen of any one of the 50 states, and you are an employee in the private sector, and you receive revenue — NOT INCOME — from your employer in the form of either wages or salary, THERE IS NO LAW ANYWHERE that requires that you:
    1) Have Federal Income Taxes withheld from your pay;
    2) Pay Federal Income Tax, or
    3) File Individual Federal Income Tax Returns (1040).

    Here are just two out of a ton of interesting links regarding this criminal organization:

    • Bill says:

      How many people have gone to jail who relied on this information and failed to file or pay income tax? There are many. You could take a look at the US Code and tax regulations. And decisions and prosecutions from the Tax Court and other US Courts. I would love a flat tax or alternative to the IRS, but don’t risk jail. Are there any lawyers (who have not been convicted or disbarred) who believe this stuff? Why do lawyers trained in the law, and CPA’s and judges pay income taxes???

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