Harming Real Life People with Fraudulent Mathematics:

When it comes to the whole Wisconsin union battle fiasco, I think the most concerning issue a lot of us seem to have is how the conclusion of the current stalemate will effect the future of the rest of the country. I mean it does get a bit worrisome to think that an extreme precedent could suddenly become the new American standard, but are there other solutions?

Now when I get involved in the typical union debate, I think I have a generally good understanding of both sides of the argument. I’ve always said that balance between the two sides is the key to success. Therefore, I find any argument quite silly when someone trashes the unions but supports Wal-Mart or vice versa. I don’t like the fact that unions abuse their power anymore than I don’t like the fact that corporations tend to keep the little people down. However, I’ve always stood by my belief that no matter what, everyone who works a 40 hour work week has a right to earn a respectable standard of living. It disgusts me when incompetent workers hide behind their union, but it disgusts me even more when executives and shareholders are making fortunes off the backs of low-income workers.

Now I understand that the union in Wisconsin was putting a huge drain on the taxpayers, but eliminating most of their collective bargaining rights? Now I’m certainly not in favor of greedy unions holding government and corporations hostage, but under no circumstances should we allow collective bargaining to be dismissed. I know a lot of people would love to see all the unions go bust, but that sounds like the dawn of a scary new age of Feudalism to me, and that certainly doesn’t sound very American, does it?

Another point I would like to make about the potential busting of the Wisconsin union is what will it really accomplish long term? Busting the union isn’t going to magically fix the debt, so what is the next step? Where does the madness end? Is it really going to be possible to fix the financial problems that Wisconsin and most of the rest of the nation is facing? Or is it more likely that all of these people are going to needlessly suffer over imaginary numbers that can’t ever be paid back anyway?

So with 46 states on the verge of bankruptcy, isn’t there a much better solution to our financial woes that doesn’t involve draining taxpayers or busting unions?

Of course! A controversial idea? Absolutely! And since there have been recent comparisons between the protests of Wisconsin to the protests of Egypt, it starts to make wonder….

How soon is too soon for Wisconsin and many other states to have a serious, open-minded discussion about the real possibility of declaring state sovereignty?

Hypothetically, what if Wisconsin decided to fix her problems by literally declaring herself a sovereign nation? In theory, wouldn’t it be the better long term solution? Sure it might be considered a “radical” idea at first, but does anyone seriously think there’s a more realistic long-term solution that doesn’t involve some sort of allowance to default on the debt? I feel like the states are all being held hostage with absurd mathematics! Can you imagine what it would be like if individuals weren’t allowed to declare bankruptcy? And debts were passed on to your children? At what point are the states able to actually default on their debt? How bad does the economy really have to get? Or would the Fed just keep bailing them out with endless amounts of inflated currency?

But what if amidst all the Federal laws, measures, and proposals to stop it; Wisconsin declared herself sovereign and independent from the rest of the country? What would really happen?

Would we co-exist with Wisconsin peacefully? Do you think we would really take military action against our own people to prevent them from leaving us? Would we treat them the way we have treated Cuba? Would we bar them from conducting business by implementing unfair trade embargoes? If that were the case, would Wisconsin be able to be self-sufficient?

Seriously, at what point do the people and the states acknowledge the fact that the federal system has completely failed, and we start the economy over? Or are we planning to live in austerity for the rest of our lives while the bankers, politicians, and elites keep downplaying the problems by selling us ridiculous future promises? Ever notice that no matter how bad the economy gets, it doesn’t really seem to affect them? Of course they want you to keep playing the game and keep you in massive, endless debt! They love the system because it really works well…for them!

So just how obvious does the corruption and economic absurdity really have to get before the people start demanding state independence as a serious solution?

If the standoff in Wisconsin is truly going to be the first domino that sets the precedent for the rest of the nation, shouldn’t it be a precedent that isn’t bleak and horrible? I sure hope so, but crushing unions isn’t going to be the magic solution, it’s only going to hurt a lot of innocent people and their families. And when you take the debt out of the equation, and acknowledge the fact that there are plenty of resources to go around, does it really make any sense for us to sacrifice our standard of living over a failed economic system that has created an illusion of scarcity?

Call me kooky, but I think it’s time to start thinking about 21st century solutions to fix 20th century problems, and defaulting on debt seems like a good start in the right direction. But by all means, if you want to bust the unions, and spend the next umpteen years suffering over artificial scarcity in a futile attempt to pay back a debt created by fraudulent fractional-reserve banking, be my guest…

And now we take a turn for the weird with a fun little music video full of symbolism that reminds me of the fight in Wisconsin, and why we need to stop pointlessly hurting each other. Also of note is how the main character is wearing red and white…Go Badgers!